Thursday, January 15, 2009


To all who come through, welcome to my new digs! Or perhaps more appropriately my new cave as Blogger seems about as rudimentary and primitive as I intend to keep things on this blog. I'm a migrant from LJ and brought along a few filler posts from my long past there to give a taste. My goal here is to keep things simple and local: simple off the cuff observations about books, films, sports + local flavor from Washington Heights/Inwood, my hometown neighborhoods in uptown Manhattan NYC.

After my exit from LJ I was chiefly prompted to start this in reaction to various posts from other local bloggers expressing insights about changes in the Heights, and blogging perspectives on offer (or lack thereof) . As a WaHi lifer, 2nd gen Dominican-American, and soon to be uptown daddy I thought I'd throw my own perspectival grunts into the ring. Apologies ahead of time if they turn out coarse or smelly!

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